Didn´t write in here for like what ? AGES !
Life changed for me , a lot and so did I .
I understood some things ( even if they do not always apply to the feelings of my heart)
like forgetting about people who don´t make you happy.
There are certain people who you love so much , you admire them and want to be just like them.
You think that they are great. Knowing them well enough to tell , but not well enough to see all of their imperfections. It is so hard to understand that sometimes you have to leave those people behind and just go your way.
Go trough this corridor and never look back. It may be hard , but nothing compared to how they will hurt you in a lifetime of chasing them.
I think I became way more mature than I was when starting this blog.
A little embarassing to read all this stuff I put on the world wide web for everyone to see , but also a mirror of my life.With ups and downs.
Another thing that I understood ( which is actually closely related to the topic above ) is that one has to learn who one is.
Even if I am still not really sure , I know that I am me and not a little-someone-I-admire .
I have my rights and wrongs , but everybody does , we´re not angels after all.
But I work on them and it is pretty hard.
But that does not mean that I will close my mouth and not tell people who hurt me that they do.
Which is actually a Mitzvah....
So I should be studying hard for the exams I am taking next week , but someone just threw me out of my concept...
So that´s it for now .
I am who I am and I am not the little person that needs a shape of character anymore.
Thanks , I found it.