We are all just small fishes in big glasses.
Small people with big dreams , hopes.
We are holding on to get what we desire to become something special.
To change the world.
To be one of the 0,01 percent of the people who are known by every child and named in every schoolbook.
But reality is , that it´s just 0,01 percent and there are the other 99.99 percent who live their lives as well.
They are our neighbors , friends, teachers or cassiers .
Some poor , some rich , some lucky and some not.
And it´s your chance to choose , being happy or being sad .
Life gives you opportunities , sometimes they are big and change your life .
To good or to bad.
Sometimes they are small . they just Post veröffentlichenhandle with one day .
It´s just one breath taken more or less .
That could still be your last or your first real attempt to live , to love , to explore , inspire or become yourself.
So take it or leave it.
Smell the roses and see the sun .
Sometimes it seems like a really dark day.
But there still is the hope for a bright afternoon, evening or the day after.
Only dark days are impossible.
That would mean the earth would be one great popsickle .
Just open up your eyes and your mind .
Become a very special part of that 99.9 percent .
Be great or just be yourself.
Or be both.
Read much , talk much , eat things that make you happy, meet people that make you happy, ride your bike, write your heart out , take pictures with emotions, smile with heart, listen to music with meaning, look at the moon , hang on the phone with dear people , dress up, travel,tell people you love them , do others a favor and enjoy being yourself .
A tiny little part of 6 Billion people , who all just want the same as you.
To be happy and carefree and special.
But who says you have to be carefree to be happy , hun ?